mercoledì 27 febbraio 2013

In the past a man has eaten my heart and didn't care about it
because he was blind
and he couldn't see the beauty of us
he is still blind and full of rage,
I was blind too, maybe I'm still.
But I am conscious of what we have lost.
And it hurts.

And watching baby videos

@crismore by la casa a pois
@crismore, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

A big present fo my mum

Going north with Yocci

Going north with Yocci by la casa a pois
Going north with Yocci, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

upload by la casa a pois
upload, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Beautiful Carmen Segovia

Le mie belle amiche di Teiera

Of course the food in Bologna is great!

Bologna with the sun

Bologna with the sun by la casa a pois
Bologna with the sun, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

All alone

All alone by la casa a pois
All alone, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Campagna modenese

Campagna modenese by la casa a pois
Campagna modenese, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Gli armadi rossi

Gli armadi rossi by la casa a pois
Gli armadi rossi, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Quando un vera amica ti prepara colazione

My first car

My first car by la casa a pois
My first car, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

E una nuvoletta per cappello

Getting colder

Getting colder by la casa a pois
Getting colder, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

On my way back to Italy


upload by la casa a pois
upload, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

lunedì 25 febbraio 2013

Don't loose hopes

Don't loose hopes by la casa a pois
Don't loose hopes, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.


POVERA PATRIA by la casa a pois
POVERA PATRIA, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

..di gente infame che non sa cos'è il pudore...

domenica 24 febbraio 2013

My life with DFW

My life with DFW by la casa a pois
My life with DFW, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

La Lettura del Corriere della Sera

mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013

World connection

World connection by la casa a pois
World connection, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

martedì 19 febbraio 2013


Memories by la casa a pois
Memories, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

This is the place I love most in all Paris. An old woman still keep her cofee and tea shop like it was in the sixties.
It's a time gate. I can jump directly in the past.
I can feel the beauty of the old and simple Paris smelling wonderful parfumes of coffee and inspired by the atmosphere.
It´s a poor shop not clean, not fake vintage, spontaneous. Once a week i go to buy something just for entering there...


Untitled by la casa a pois
Untitled, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

I eat nuts everyday they are the base of my plates, my friend Fanny is from Kurdistan. Her parents live in the far country they move on a donkey and spend their days working or relaxing close to the fire. When Fanny tells me stories about her country i dream of a land where simple people still find a real sense to their life working and being concrete.
The mother of Fanny gave birth to 9 children, she is working in the fields and collecting nuts from her trees. The big nuts from the circle are coming directly from her hands. I see them bigger stronger prouder in comparison from my small one taken in a bio shop... I will keep them as a treasure..

So wonderful sky today

So wonderful sky today by la casa a pois
So wonderful sky today, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Beautiful sunny morning

Uno spontaneo saluto di Robinson

L'angolino dietro casa

L'angolino dietro casa by la casa a pois
L'angolino dietro casa, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Our beautiful boulangerie

Working on new characters

Working on new characters

The book of the day. I love Rosetta

Oh sun take me away with you..

Piccolo principe

Piccolo principe by la casa a pois
Piccolo principe, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.


upload by la casa a pois
upload, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.


Sylvaine by la casa a pois
Sylvaine, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

upload by la casa a pois
upload, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.


Goodmorning by la casa a pois
Goodmorning, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

On my way home

On my way home by la casa a pois
On my way home, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Io e piccolo D a mangiar crepes alla nutella ;)

All'asilo parigino ci sono dei talenti

Almost finished to arrange!

In the atelier

In the atelier by la casa a pois
In the atelier, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

Series: the poetry of the pannels in Paris

Lunch time :)

Lunch time :) by la casa a pois
Lunch time :), a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.


Quelle insane voglie che la Francia mi fa venir

lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

La Lettura

La Lettura by la casa a pois
La Lettura, a photo by la casa a pois on Flickr.

domenica 10.2.2013 Corriere della Sera